Mission Statement:
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring. All of which have the power to turn a life around.
Leo Buscaglia
I’m not afraid of your pain: The Jason Cartwright Memorial Foundation is a non profit organization created and dedicated to helping others. To offer hope, encourage others to speak up and out about depression, addiction, and suicide. We aim to encourage and inspire everyone to be able to say: ”I’m here, I’m not afraid of your pain, I want to listen”.
Our vision is that we truly believe in these things.
It’s the human condition, we are meant to love and be loved. We all have a story, that should not only be told; also heard. Your words, your life, your story, matters. You are not alone.
Life is full of uncertainty, sadness, pain, grief and sorrow. We all get stuck in those moments, everyone has them. Life isn’t easy or simple. We only get one chance at life. We are going to stumble and fall, yell, scream at the unfairness of our world, at the UN-justice of it all. We also have the ability to smile, laugh and experience happiness and joy. Sometimes those happier moments are harder to find.
Pain is very real, so is help and hope. You are not alone. Millions of people live with pain everyday, question themselves or perhaps a higher power as to “why me” Why am I the one to go through this? We all have those questions at one point in our lives.
You need to know that this isn’t it, that this will not last forever. That there is hope and help for you out there. They say that the longest journey starts with a single step. We are here to help and encourage you to take that step. The first step to recovery is a hard one, we know this, as we have been there too. It’s worth it, your life is something worth fighting for, change is possible.
Our vision is to tear down the walls of shame and silence, they need not be there any longer.
To have our voices be heard in unison that it’s going to be OK.
To know that someone is there to listen, be there for you in your time of need.
To know that self destruction is not the answer.
To bring forth awareness of suicide, addiction, and depression.
To know that one voice can make a difference.
To know that You may only be one person to the world but you may also be the world to one person.
To know that someone loves you more then you may ever know.
To know that you have friends that love you.
To know that we can end this cycle and bring forth a positive change.
To know that you are special, needed, wanted and loved.
We can help break this vicious cycle, this is not the end and we want to hear your story.
In light of the recent suicides due to bullying/harassment in the LGBT community, NAOYP is also taking a stand to help end the tragedies that never should have happened. The message is quite simple:
Please visit the Trevor project for more information.
I don’t no if naoyp can help me bcs I have a sister which using drugs and now she dropped out at school. She is only 14yrs and now is starting to date old man who triple her age I’m afraid of her. She is even does not have parents so now I feel like we don’t do much to her.